Saturday, November 23, 2013

Music Up date behind the scenes 2013 Whos That Hotty

       Shawntae Green's Whos That Hotty singal can be purchased at iTunes like many others in the music industry. This song it fun and makes you want to dance. Once again, Whos That Hotty is for everyone to enjoy. You can even check out your favorite hotty while you bump the song on your phone, desktop, CD player, mp3 and any other electronica item that is compatible to downloading. I still use my car CD player, MP3 player and car CD player to listen to myself and the other hot stars on the music market on all levels. Who said my CD player was no good, actually it works well when my MP3 goes out, until I  can get to the store. Stay tuned for more behind the scenes on Whos That Hotty and other music releases coming soon. You can purchase, Whos That Hotty at iTunes at:

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