Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Shawntae Green Fashion Trend Update 2018

This fashion dress was created by: TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions for a Music Video Propose and fashion trend Enhancement.  This dress was a one a kind as well as the other outfits corresponded to this dress and the music video it will appear in, in the future...
The back of the dress was also designed by: TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Production's fashion team and photography team as well as team members.  The background scene's were also created or found for prop rental by other companies to come such as Turner Enterprises Entertainment, Elliott Evan, Robeson Design Live Idea setting with Scott Robeson. Stay posted to hear and see the show... 
A light candy cream pink dress in color was created with such love and care. The twisting design's are a favorite with solid color base. Not to clash the design pattern with the design pattern print. TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions, wanted to added an balance of open skin for applies, but yet cover some of the skin up for respectful in a classy way of style in the back and front of the dress. This is a Royal pink dress with style...

Stay tuned for more about this dress, other styles and what music moved dose it belong to and who is the star wearing it.. up next...

Fashion and msucAre there shoes in this scene???

Shawntae Green
TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions
and more compaines

Everett Valdes Fashion update 2018

                 Everett Valdes has more products coming your way for the year 2018.  Also we will cover the hot fashion trends he and other men like to sport or gear up in. This time and era of fashion for men have gone in more then one direction. Everett Valdes fashion has also been some trends that have been around for years, but he brought a whole new light on these styles for men.  Men these day's need choices and don't just want, that little closet or 1 shoes, more like 100 bear minimum. Stay posted for fashion past and present pictures for his fashion trends as well as what music video is Everett Valdes in???

Thank you,
Shawntae Green.
TaeWannaplay Fashion Merchandising Productions
and more compaines

Shawntae Green Music update 2018

Hello everyone as you know, my music has never stopped up has enhanced or joined others at levels that would rock your socks. You can check back here to see what is coming up or is their thing's you have not heard or seen over here???!!! Eather way you can keep up with some of the cool thing we are selling or events happening in your area or mine!!! This year we are on our music show's and music. There are many types of show's that involve music, talk about music or are related to the music industry.  Modeling, individuals, retailer, enraptures, large business and other facility types to keep the music and fashion industry on our toes at all times or that market the music with products they are selling to increase their lives and other. If we are ment to ping the ears of each other to some level, when do we see or have time to be affected by their cost or shelf life expectancy in this life time.  Stay posted to hear and see what show's fashion, acting, modeling and music are next up.  Also MTV Shawntae Green Blast From The Past, will be back as well as other stars...

Thank you,
Shawntae Green
TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions
and other companies