Sunday, June 14, 2015

LA Live Logo and Who's That Hotty Audio 8

           This is a different style with the LA Live Logo and Who's That Hotty by Shawntae Green.  Thank you for watching all your choices of movies that we have to offer on the market here at LA Live and other companies. If you what to know the latest show information at LA Live, go to where you can check it out now! Stay tuned to this up and coming show event as well as others globally! Thank you and enjoy LA Live, Shows, Show rooms and more event styles in the entertainment industry! This is also a promotion for LA Live, TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions and other companies involved in promotional team status, go ahead!

Thank you,

Shawntae Green

TFMP Channel

TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions  LLP.

and more

Friday, June 12, 2015

LA Live Logo and Who's That Hotty Audio 1

               This is a promotional single song from an up and coming movies soundtrack.  More from the famous Pop Star/Actress/Model Shawntae Green and LA Live. Look for up and coming shows and movies starring Shwantae Green. Also look for the famous fashion designer products like Shawntae Green, TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions along with other companies on the markets. The entertainment industry must go on with top notch perfromaces form Mega Pop Stars like Shawntae Greena and other global stars!

Thank you,

Shawntae Green,

LA Live,

TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions,

TFMP Channel

and more companiesPublish Post